1. Phylogenetic systematics of plexippines (Salticinae, Plexippini, Plexippina)
The subtribe Plexippina primarily includes Afro-Eurasian salticids, with familiar genera such as Evarcha, Plexippus, and Hyllus. With a high species diversity of over 500 species, their conservative body form and simple genitalia make this group challenging for revisionary work. While the monophyly of Plexippina is well demonstrated, the generic classification remains poorly understood. We investigate plexippine phylogeny and the presently chaotic generic concepts, using Ultraconserved Elements (UCE) data. The objective is to understand generic limits using both phylogenetic analysis and morphology.
2. Phylogenetic systematics of aelurillines (Salticinae, Aelurillini, Aelurillina)
The subtribe Aelurillina is another primarily Afro-Eurasian exclusive ground-dwelling salticid group. The monophyly of aelurillines is known. The generic relationships, however, are not understood phylogenetically, and the generic concepts await formal proposal of limits. We are resolving the aelurilline phylogeny using UCE data for understanding the current generic classification. In collaboration with Dr Galina Azarkina, the objective is to propose generic limits and revise aelurilline classification.
3. Phylogenetic systematics of chrysillines (Salticinae, Chrysillini)
in prep... please come back soon or write to me if you want to know more about chrysillines!